Our Reimagine Selling Value Map helps builders discover their customer’s Definition of Value in terms of their “Everyday Life” as they eat, play, work and entertain their family, friends and acquaintances.
Welcome to 1925!
E. K. Strong introduced the first formal sales process in 1925…
Getting your customer’s Attention so they are aware of your brand - Opening
Creating an Interest in your product so they want to find out more - Discovery
Stirring up a Desire to buy from you, rather than a competitor of yours - Demonstration
Getting them to interact directly, then take Action and buy from you - Closing
The Homebuilding Industry is still using E. K. Strong’s 1925 AIDA Process.
The Reimagine Value Map is the First and only high-ticket selling process
in the homebuilding industry
"Here's How It Works"
1: DEFINE VALUE Your customer "Defines Value"
in terms of the Unrecognized
Needs, Problems and Motivations of their
“Everyday Life” and ”How They Live”. -
2: EVALUATE ALTERNATIVES Your customer uses their Value Map - definition of value - to evaluate each of their possibilities.
3: DISCUSS AND DECIDE Since customers now ""Know that you know what they know" ... will gladly allow you to participate in their decision.
The Industry Only Explores 25% Of What's Necessary To Make A High-Ticket Sale
selling fact
Your customer’s UNRECOGNIZED Needs, Problems and Motivations represent the critical 75% of any customer’s high-ticket decision.
What Our Customer’s Say
“Our focus is on how we make a home shopper confident in their decision, and we work across the spectrum of tools Rick and the Reimagine Selling platform on learning how to decipher customers’ unrecognized needs, desires, pain-points, motivators, etc., ” says Rademacher.
“As a result, we feel we’re not in the business of selling homes, we’re in the business of helping a customer make their ‘most perfect decision’ confidently, and getting the value of the everyday life they know they want most. “
As Seen In
Are You Aware of These High-Ticket
Selling RULES?
- Customer RECOGNIZED Motivations, Needs and Problems ONLY represent the “Raw Fuel” to get a sale started.
- Customer Perceived Value is built by uncovering customers’ UNRECOGNIZED Needs, Problems and
Motivations. - In a high-ticket sale, presenting PRODUCT FEATURES to build value will CAUSE your customer to FOCUS ON PRICE.
- In a high-ticket sale, presenting BENEFITS to build value will end up creating CUSTOMER OBJECTIONS.